Friday, August 23, 2013

Happy Friday

I have been horrible about posting. My life is always hectic and there are times where I just completely let things slip by. Finn is wonderful. Less biting more listening and going to the door when he wants to go out. 

He is enjoying his new view out the window because he is taller! 

He loves redecorating the apartment. He says it's more feng shui to have the pillows on the floor! 

We are excited for the weekend. It means longer walks. Sleeping in. (He slept until 9 last weekend and I thought he died! It scared me but he was fine!) and this weekend Danny is coming to visit. Maybe we will even get to see Boh his best buddy.

Have a wonderful weekend. 

A& Finn 

Monday, August 19, 2013


nothing can be more wonderful than coming home to a happy puppy who just wants to lay in your lap and take a nap.

that is all. 

Monday, August 12, 2013

day ????

I have been kind of failing at this photo a day thing.

Finn and I have definitely been super busy.  

We have been in puppy class for two weeks and are working hard on our manners. 

Basically trying to get him to sit [or say please] for everything.  From getting food, to greeting people, to playing or getting attention.  The sit for food or a toy is going great! He still gets SO excited when a person comes or he sees them that he just can't remember his manners at all!

The next week we learned loose leash walking.  Stubborn Finn is actually pretty good at the walking part [when he decides he wants to]  He is not a puller, I am the one pulling on the walk saying come on let's go! He will get to walking when he feels good and ready.  Crazy. 

Finn is now 3 and a half months old and I am so ready for the biting to stop.  I have been so consistent with the walk away after saying NO method.  One trainer said oh if you do this 3 days and it will be over.  She lied.  He is getting better but still it can be frustrating. 


Here is a little of what we love:

We love to run. 

We love our best friend Bear.

We love car rides. 

We love helping with the chores at the parents house. 

We love killing stuffed animals.

We love trying to get on Mom's bed. 

We love photo bombing pictures.

We love each other. 

We love commenting on Mom's outfits. 

Have a wonderful week.

A & Finn