Tuesday, October 8, 2013

post surgery trials

It has been quite some time.

Finn is now 5 and a half months old.  How time flies.  I wish I was better and actually kept up with the photo a day so I can really see the changes he has made.

He has been doing so well.  My little man is just the sweetest thing.  He is a ball of energy and absolutely loves people.

The biting phase is slowly coming to an end.  Now we are working on not jumping on people because not everyone wants that.

The trainer at pets mart is a godsend.  She has so many tricks and ideas to help with everything not just what they are supposed to learn in class.  The group we have in the class is close too, so we are very open and honest about how the dogs really are.

The biggest nightmare I have had was Finn's neutering.

When I adopted him at the humane society they wanted me to come back there to get it done.  This of course was a hassle in and of itself, they are 2 hours away and could only do the surgery on Thursday mornings.

So I drove Finn up to Boone on a Wednesday after school and dropped him off to stay with Dan.

That weekend I went back to Boone.  

Finn was really not happy with us at all after the surgery.  I also was very nervous.  It looked horrible all bruised and swollen.  The Humane Society assured me it was normal for him to be like that.  

Well a week later I took him to our normal vet and sure enough I should have trusted my gut.  The incision  spot was left opened.  I also should have been given meds to help the process.  

So with Finn already being on house arrest for one week, we now have 3 different medications and he has two staples, and a cone. He has to be crated until next Monday.  The poor thing.  He doesn't like it at all.  I can't help but laugh as he has the cone on and tries to run away from me because it looks hilarious.

Needless to say I am not a very happy person.  I feel terrible this happened.

Finn is not happy either.  He has even developed camera shyness.

We still say happy October and Halloween.  


A & Finn 

Saturday, September 7, 2013

puppy class graduate

My little baby is all grown up and graduated puppy class.  What a difference from the beginning of class to now.  Our trainer is amazing and has great pointers for everything! He knows so much and we decided to continue on with the trainer and the whole class moving into intermediate.  This class is more behavior and manners, which he still needs! We are looking forward to it!

Maybe next time he won't look so miserable with the graduation cap on! 

In other news.  Finn has successfully completed 2 mountain hikes.  He is wonderful at walking and hiking now and I love having a buddy to go outdoors with! 

We also love to just sit on the porch and watch the world go by.  Especially now there is a tiny hint of a cooler breeze. By that I mean it's not 100 and humid out anymore so it's actually nice!

Have a relaxing weekend

A & Finn

Friday, August 23, 2013

Happy Friday

I have been horrible about posting. My life is always hectic and there are times where I just completely let things slip by. Finn is wonderful. Less biting more listening and going to the door when he wants to go out. 

He is enjoying his new view out the window because he is taller! 

He loves redecorating the apartment. He says it's more feng shui to have the pillows on the floor! 

We are excited for the weekend. It means longer walks. Sleeping in. (He slept until 9 last weekend and I thought he died! It scared me but he was fine!) and this weekend Danny is coming to visit. Maybe we will even get to see Boh his best buddy.

Have a wonderful weekend. 

A& Finn 

Monday, August 19, 2013


nothing can be more wonderful than coming home to a happy puppy who just wants to lay in your lap and take a nap.

that is all. 

Monday, August 12, 2013

day ????

I have been kind of failing at this photo a day thing.

Finn and I have definitely been super busy.  

We have been in puppy class for two weeks and are working hard on our manners. 

Basically trying to get him to sit [or say please] for everything.  From getting food, to greeting people, to playing or getting attention.  The sit for food or a toy is going great! He still gets SO excited when a person comes or he sees them that he just can't remember his manners at all!

The next week we learned loose leash walking.  Stubborn Finn is actually pretty good at the walking part [when he decides he wants to]  He is not a puller, I am the one pulling on the walk saying come on let's go! He will get to walking when he feels good and ready.  Crazy. 

Finn is now 3 and a half months old and I am so ready for the biting to stop.  I have been so consistent with the walk away after saying NO method.  One trainer said oh if you do this 3 days and it will be over.  She lied.  He is getting better but still it can be frustrating. 


Here is a little of what we love:

We love to run. 

We love our best friend Bear.

We love car rides. 

We love helping with the chores at the parents house. 

We love killing stuffed animals.

We love trying to get on Mom's bed. 

We love photo bombing pictures.

We love each other. 

We love commenting on Mom's outfits. 

Have a wonderful week.

A & Finn

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


My boyfriend made these from some pictures I have sent him!  

Just had to share because I think they are hilarious!

Hope they put a smile on your face too! 

A & Finn 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Finn wanted to look spiffy for our late night photo shoot! #targetsoesitagain with bowtie a for collars! How cute is that?

We had a busy Tuesday with the vet and dinner at my parents. He loves it over there with a backyard to play in! 

Then Finn tried to help me grade some tests but licking paper doesn't give students good feedback...

A & Finn